is the way to present a material to the students. There are many activities to
present a new vocabulary to the students. Related to the way in teaching Engish
vovabulary, Bryne in Nova Eka Yulita (2006:7) stated that there are some
different approaches to help the students understand the meaning of a word,
those are:
- By showing an object
or cut of figure
- By gestures
- By performing an
- By using photographs,
blacboard drawing, illustrations cut from
magazines or newspaper
- By description
- By giving synonym or
- By putting the words
into a defining context
- By translating
In teaching learning
process especially in Elementary School, the teachers must have some techniques
to teach vocabulary to the students as much as possible in happy condition and
make the students more interested and enjoy the lesson. Some techniques to
teach vocabulary as stated by Abdur Rahman (2003:2-3) are:
1. Presentation
In this phase, we must
present new vocabulary to our students. We need to do three steps, those are:
a. Create a context
In a context, the
meaning of new vocabulary slearly showed.
b. Focus on form.
Show its formed and
c. Check comprehension
To know whether the
students have been understood the new vocabulary.
2. Practice
In this phase, the
studnets need a lot of practice with the new words in order to remember and use
the new words correctly.
3. Production
In this phase, the
students are given opportunity to experiment on their own and to allow them to
see how much they have really understood and learnt of the language that has
been practiced.
Based on the
explanation about the technique of teaching vocabulary, it is known that there
are many ways to present the materials of vocabulary and to teach vocabulary.
As teachers we can choose the efficient and effective way or technique to
present the materials and to teach vocabulary based on the condition of the
class and the students.